Okay, so we were supposed to talk about incorporating quotations based on that powerpoint I gave you from last week, but we already covered that because we're awesome. But we can practice it. Now, you guys all have books to quote from and germinating research paper ideas.
Now, some of you have already worked with magazines, but not quite this way. I'd like for you to look at a magazine cover and incorporate some quotations from the corresponding cover story.
So, if i were to write about the magazine cover below, I'd talk about the nice use of white space, and the reference to the sacred heart (shown below...), and the connection between technology and religion, and the simplicity of the sentence, "Pray." Then, I'd include some quotation, maybe from Steve Jobs if there is one, in my discussion, and what Wired really thinks of Apple in this issue. Not too bad. Now, you try it.
Now, some of you have already worked with magazines, but not quite this way. I'd like for you to look at a magazine cover and incorporate some quotations from the corresponding cover story.
So, if i were to write about the magazine cover below, I'd talk about the nice use of white space, and the reference to the sacred heart (shown below...), and the connection between technology and religion, and the simplicity of the sentence, "Pray." Then, I'd include some quotation, maybe from Steve Jobs if there is one, in my discussion, and what Wired really thinks of Apple in this issue. Not too bad. Now, you try it.

Grammar Review:
So, we've talked about fragments and run-ons by looking for subjects and verbs. A comma splice can be explained in those same terms.
Comma splices sound really foreign, but they're simply when you forget to add the conjunction to hold your two sentences together. A conjunction can't hold two independent clauses together on its own, and neither can a comma. They've got to work together or transform into a semicolon.
So, this is wrong:
The ninjas fought bravely together after the war, the pirates were lazy slackers.
We can correct this comma splice simply by adding a conjunction:
The ninjas fought bravely together after the war, but the pirates were lazy slackers.
Your Daily Assignment:
Get a magazine, any magazine. Look at the visual rhetoric used on the cover of the magazine and then read the cover story that corresponds to that image on the cover. Write a paragraph about how the two texts relate, visual and the literate. Incorporate two quotations from the cover story as you talk about the cover image. Add the MLA works cited entry for your magazine article at the end of your paragraph.
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